

My name is Marco. I’m a digital artist who lives and works in Alberta. My skills cover a large spectrum of design including: logo design, business card design, photo restoration, illustration, character design and more.

As a graphic designer, it’s my job to help clients see their vision come to life. Graphic design is a collaborative partnership between the artist and client. I enjoy the co-operative nature of design and look forward to making your dream a reality!

I’m known as being flexible, accommodating and easy to work with. Art is my passion, and I believe that is reflected in my work.

What I can do for you:

– Unique Vector Logo Design

– Vectorization of your original Logo Design

– Business Card and Letterhead Design

– Flyer or Brochure Design

– Character and Mascot Design

– Illustration and Concept Artwork

– Photo Restoration and Manipulation

Please call, text or e-mail me regarding the details of your project. 780-908-8178.

Email: [email protected]

Feel free to look at my portfolio to get more examples of my work:

Instagram: marcographicdesign_yeg

Facebook: Marco Graphic Design

Thank you
